

    She is a Personal Trainer  Coach  Mentor


About Me

I'm Francesca Petrolo & PT Coach Mentor

A passionate kickboxer, excited about life, an animal lover, a businesswoman and a loyal friend.
Francesca is from Rome; Italy and she is your personal trainer and life coach! Sport and fitness have always been a strong point of her life. She has been in the fitness industry for more than 20 years, coaching and helping people overcome their physical and mental barriers preventing them from achieving their goals and discovering their own potential. She is also the owner and CEO of Fpt_brand, a sports apparel company.

Her career started when she decided to start kickboxing. When she found the right coach, that saw in her potential that she couldn’t see herself. He helped her to grow in this sport, directing her to participate in several fights, which allowed her to become more confident and mentally strong.

In 2018 she decided to move to San Diego, CA, with her dog Alaska to change her life and achieve her dreams. Since she arrived in America, she immediately started training with Muay Thai, and shortly after, she decided to fight again. After this intense training period, she injured her right knee again and had to stop fighting. “I truly believe that everything happens to us for a reason, and nothing happens by chance”, she said. So she started to study again and to dedicate a little more time to herself and in 2022 she earned the Master in Sport Management at SDUIS and she started to work for a non-profit organization as a project manager.

In 2023 after an accident that, cost her left foot, changed her life. Her MISSION to continue to motivate and empower people has become her life purpose. She instructed hundreds of people, impacting their life through a different lifestyle. Next on her path is to IMPACT the world by telling her story and MOTIVATING as many people as possible to live their dream life, because they can, and they can be literally whatever they want with courage and confidence.

“Since that day I never stopped believing in myself and my capacity to overcome everything life was facing me. Depression wasn't an option. I believe that I will never stop studying, learning, and discovering new skills, because all I want to do is to pass it on to others”. .

Helping people to be stronger, not only physically, but mentally and to be confident in any situation of their life is important to her.

Her Motto now is "Live without LIM(B)ITATIONS".

My Story


Francesca's journey took an unforeseen turn when she experienced a life-altering accident resulting in the loss of her leg. However, rather than allowing this setback to define her, Francesca embraced it as an opportunity for personal growth and transformation.

Join us as she shares her compelling story, shedding light on the challenges she has faced and the unwavering courage that has guided her forward.




I believe in a world where our strength is as big as our challeng. Leading as the leader that I always being both, while coaching, and as a manager of a non-profit organization I will keep doing it, now, more than ever because I want to impact the world through my powerful stories of resilience.

I am showing up in a super bigger way. I never get discourage or depressed, I am, instead, showing up every day for myself, to take care of myself, for the family and friends and all the people around me who needs strength and encouragement. Because I am confident in my capacity and ability, I will be stronger for them. I will be stronger than ever, because I love challenges. The more the “problem” is big and the stronger we became. Overcome life challenges is part of the game, if it was easy we could not learn, grow and evolve. With the limb or without the limb I know what I want, and who I am. I am capable of obtaining everything I want, if I stay passionate and focus! This is what I want from other people to understand for themselves. Because if a single woman like me has the power to do it, who doesn’t?

Here speaking to a group of boxing students at the Any Body Can Youth Foundation facility in San Diego (CA) (lightning talk)

In August 2023 I have been invited by pastor Jeffrey to speak at Set Free church in San Diego (talk)

November 2023 a second time invitation at the Human Derek podcast about life and how to face their challenges. (podcast)


Francesca's Articles



La vita è una mano di poker, hai cinque carte in mano, puoi farle girare, puoi bluffare o puoi arrenderti e passare. Francesca non si arrende mai.Ricordo bene quando ho cominciato ad andare in palestra. Una delle persone che mi ha lasciato il segno, pur avendola conosciuta poco, è stata Francesca Petrolo. E’ una persona determinata, una donna forte, fisicamente e mentalmente, uno di quei talenti che l’Italia esporta all’estero, in questo caso San Diego.



The answer is yes, you can.
I’m writing this article because, due to my long experience in the world of sport, especially combat sport like kickboxing and boxing, I can say and confirm that training with kettlebells is extremely important as a best performance way to achieve our goals.



The dislocation of the shoulder (when the ball pops out of the socket) is the main and most frequent injury in the sport of boxing. The dislocation of the shoulder happend more often during sparring or more specifically in overextending the jab or sloppy, loopy hooks.



Do you want to increase power, strength, speed and prevent injury? then you must start learning coiling the core and rotaional movement.


Life Coaching

Francesca will work with you based of your needs, challanges and goals you want to achieve. Online Only.

1 Day

$ 70

1 Session

  • 1 hour call
  • Motivation Assistance for 1 week (if it is needed)


$ 400

10 Sessions

  • 3 separate hours call
  • Motivation Assistance for 2 days(if it is needed)
  • 1 check-ins to make adjustments and/or continue with results


$ 500

15 Sessions

  • 5 separate hours call
  • Constant Motivation
  • Periodic check-ins to make adjustments and/or continue with results
  • 4 Virtual Training


" "She has a dynamic unbelivable she is pushing you beyond your fears. She encourage me so much and never let me behind. I feel so grateful that I had the chance to train with her and I am very excited to continue the journey with her. We can feel that she loves what she is doing as she trasmit her passion to her clients. "

Chantal A. - Paris

univerity student

" Before I met Francesca Petrolo, I was lost. She is the type of person who trains you from the heart. Francesca was patient with me, took me on as her client and made me rebuild confidence. Francesca made me sweat to the point I said, "I hate you, but I love you". Every dollar that you spend on training with her will be worth every penny. "

Sandra A. - San Diego

Office Manager

" You are amazing!!! it is beyond inspirational how you have handled this situation. I know it is probably so mush harder than you can show in your videos, but your self blief and messages of hope and strength to others has been helping me get through some stuff. So thank you. Much love to you. "

Shaun Rawform - London

Artist, Inventor

" This woman rehabbed my Son when he blew out his entire knee and got him back on his feet and running again. Worked with him throughout all his ups and downs (depression). Never gave him the option of quitting. We are both grateful to her. Now that she has come face to face with this tragedy of losing her foot, she has tackled it head on. I fully expect her to rise and conquer and do all the wonderful and impactful things God has in store for her to do. Go Francesca! You got this! "

. - Las Erick Stafford - Las Vegas

Police Officer

" Francesca mette passione in tutto quello che fa, riesce a coinvolgerti e motivarti come nessun altro sa fare! Svolgendo una vita sedentaria davanti ad una scrivania, conoscerla mi ha aiutato a buttare giù qualche kilo ma soprattutto sentirmi in forma e bene con me stessa! "

Dalila C. - Italy

Software Developer

" I honestly cannot thank you enough for all your amazing words and support, it means so much knowing that I am not alone in this Journey, thanks for letting me open up about my raw feelings. You are an absolute blessings. "

Anne W. - USA


Contact Francesca

Contact her for online coaching info, or private sessions.
Write her the dreams you want realize and she will answer you as soon as possible

PHONE: +39 389 94 88 511

EMAIL: info@francescapt.com


For 30 min FREE CONSULTATION or COLLABORATION, send her your confirmation with your name, phone number and the questions you have


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